The Promises Kept by Our Rivals - New Budgetary Strategies of the Conservatives in Canada

Sturm R (2003)

Publication Type: Book chapter / Article in edited volumes

Publication year: 2003

Publisher: Leske+ Budrich

Edited Volumes: Conservative Parties and Right-Wing Politics in North America. Reaping the Benefits of an Ideological Victory?

City/Town: Opladen

Pages Range: 279-295

ISBN: 3-8100-3812-1

Authors with CRIS profile

How to cite


Sturm, R. (2003). The Promises Kept by Our Rivals - New Budgetary Strategies of the Conservatives in Canada. In R.-O. Schultze, R. Sturm, D. Eberle (Eds.), Conservative Parties and Right-Wing Politics in North America. Reaping the Benefits of an Ideological Victory?. (pp. 279-295). Opladen: Leske+ Budrich.


Sturm, Roland. "The Promises Kept by Our Rivals - New Budgetary Strategies of the Conservatives in Canada." Conservative Parties and Right-Wing Politics in North America. Reaping the Benefits of an Ideological Victory?. Ed. R.-O. Schultze, R. Sturm, D. Eberle, Opladen: Leske+ Budrich, 2003. 279-295.

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