Preu S, Bauerschmidt S, Malzer S, Döhler G, Lu H, Gossard A, Wang L (2011)
Publication Type: Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Publication year: 2011
Original Authors: Preu S., Bauerschmidt S., Malzer S., Dohler G.H., Lu H., Gossard A.C., Wang L.J.
Publisher: Springer Verlag
Edited Volumes: Terahertz and Midinfrared Radiation
Series: NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics
Pages Range: 139-146
ISBN: 978-94-007-0768-9
DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-0769-6-20
We report on the progress of room-temperature operating, continuous-wave, tunable n-i-pn-i-p superlattice THz photomixers, compatible with 1.55μm telecom laser systems. An output power of 0.65μW at 1THz has been achieved at a photocurrent of 9.5mA, using a broadband antenna. The spectral power is at a level where high resolution spectroscopy becomes attractive. This is demonstrated by measuring the absorption spectrum of water vapor between 0.4 and 1.6THz. We constructed an array of 4 mutually coherent photomixers for higher output power and spatial resolution. The interference of the four individual beams was measured in the target plane at a stand-off distance of 4.2m. We report on both a small THz spot diameter along the array axis of<1cm for ν>0.3THz and a high intensity of the central interference peak, in excellent agreement with numerical simulations. These features are very attractive for stand-off imaging and spectroscopy. © 2011 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.
Preu, S., Bauerschmidt, S., Malzer, S., Döhler, G., Lu, H., Gossard, A., & Wang, L. (2011). Arrayed telecom-wavelength compatible THz n-i-pn-i-p superlattice photomixers for spectroscopy applications. In Mauro F. Pereira, Oleksiy Shulika (Eds.), Terahertz and Midinfrared Radiation. (pp. 139-146). Springer Verlag.
Preu, Sascha, et al. "Arrayed telecom-wavelength compatible THz n-i-pn-i-p superlattice photomixers for spectroscopy applications." Terahertz and Midinfrared Radiation. Ed. Mauro F. Pereira, Oleksiy Shulika, Springer Verlag, 2011. 139-146.
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