Bräuning A (2001)
Publication Language: English
Publication Type: Conference contribution, Abstract of lecture
Publication year: 2001
Publisher: Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL
Edited Volumes: Tree Rings and People. International Conference on the Future of Dendrochronology
City/Town: Birmensdorf
Book Volume: 114
Pages Range: 22-26
Conference Proceedings Title: Tree Rings and People. International Conference on the Future of Dendrochronology.
Bräuning, A. (2001). Yearly maps of different seasonal climate parameters for eastern Tibet und special consideration of mountain topography using GIS. Paper presentation at Tree Rings and People: An International Conference on the Future of Dendrochronology, Davos, CH.
Bräuning, Achim. "Yearly maps of different seasonal climate parameters for eastern Tibet und special consideration of mountain topography using GIS." Presented at Tree Rings and People: An International Conference on the Future of Dendrochronology, Davos Ed. Kaennel-Dobbertin M., Bräker O.U., Birmensdorf: Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL, 2001.
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