Gorin D, Schröder L, Wißmann T (2013)
Publication Language: English
Publication Type: Conference contribution, Original article
Publication year: 2013
Publisher: CEUR-WS.org
Edited Volumes: CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Series: CEUR Workshop Proceedings
City/Town: Aachen
Book Volume: 1014
Pages Range: 689-703
Conference Proceedings Title: Proc. 26th International Workshop on Description Logics, DL 2013
Event location: Ulm
Open Access Link: http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1014/paper_75.pdf
Self-referential concepts in description logic may formally be viewed as concepts that at some point mention an individual previously encountered in the evaluation; this corresponds to a restricted form of the down-arrow binder known from hybrid logic. Typical examples include being a narcissist, (someone who loves himself); a celebrity (someone who is known by everyone she meets) or a grant application reviewer (who can only review proposals of researchers with whom she did not collaborate in the past). While reasoning in ALC plus self-reference is known to be undecidable, it has recently been shown that one can often safely restrict self-reference to at most two indirections (allowing the definition of narcissists and celebrities, but not of grant reviewers). In particular, the extension of ALCQ with this construct has an expressive power roughly equivalent to ALCHIQ plus safe Boolean combinations of roles. Here, we discuss a translation-based approach to reasoning in this logic. The translation goes into ALCHIQ (without Boolean roles) and therefore can be used in combination with off-the-shelf reasoners for OWL. The translation strategy encodes the semantics of the source axiomatically in the target logic. We use an implementation of this type of translations to evaluate the feasibility of the whole approach.
Gorin, D., Schröder, L., & Wißmann, T. (2013). Reasoning with Bounded Self-reference Using Logical Interpreters. In Proc. 26th International Workshop on Description Logics, DL 2013 (pp. 689-703). Ulm: Aachen: CEUR-WS.org.
Gorin, Daniel, Lutz Schröder, and Thorsten Wißmann. "Reasoning with Bounded Self-reference Using Logical Interpreters." Proceedings of the 26th International Workshop on Description Logics, DL 2013, Ulm Aachen: CEUR-WS.org, 2013. 689-703.
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