Internet-based E-markets as a meta-enterprise information system

Grieger M, Hartmann E, Entchelmeier A (2006)

Publication Type: Book chapter / Article in edited volumes

Publication year: 2006

Edited Volumes: Encyclopedia of Networked and Virtual Organizations

Pages Range: 475-483

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59904-885-7.ch063


Due to the reduction of the degree of value added within many companies, purchasing and supply management has been acknowledged as an important lever for corporate performance enhancement. Recent research has shown that the installation of performance measurement systems in purchasing and supply management is a decisive management tool for purchasing and supply management. Based on the old saying “you can’t manage what you can’t measure” companies must have decisive metrics that translate supply strategy into action and drive company performance. The paper applies selected management theories to the research field and suggests a framework for the design, implementation and enablement of performance measurement in purchasing and supply management.

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How to cite


Grieger, M., Hartmann, E., & Entchelmeier, A. (2006). Internet-based E-markets as a meta-enterprise information system. In Encyclopedia of Networked and Virtual Organizations. (pp. 475-483).


Grieger, Martin, Evi Hartmann, and Aiko Entchelmeier. "Internet-based E-markets as a meta-enterprise information system." Encyclopedia of Networked and Virtual Organizations. 2006. 475-483.

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