Lectures on Loop Quantum Gravity

Thiemann T (2003)

Publication Status: Published

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2003


Book Volume: 631

Pages Range: 41-135


QGR therefore is, by definition, not a unified theory of all interactions in the standard sense, since such a theory would require a new symmetry principle. However, it unifies all presently known interactions in a new sense by quantum mechanically implementing their common symmetry group, the four-dimensional diffeomorphism group, which is almost completely broken in perturbative approaches.

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How to cite


Thiemann, T. (2003). Lectures on Loop Quantum Gravity. Lecture Notes in Physics, 631, 41-135.


Thiemann, Thomas. "Lectures on Loop Quantum Gravity." Lecture Notes in Physics 631 (2003): 41-135.

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