Krepkowski J, Bräuning A, Shibistova O, Gebrekirstos A, Guggenberger G (2012)
Publication Language: English
Publication Type: Conference contribution, Abstract of a poster
Publication year: 2012
Pages Range: 167
Conference Proceedings Title: Islands in land- and seascape: The challenges of fragmentation
ISBN: 978-3-00-037462-3
Open Access Link:
Munessa Forest is a dry tropical mountain forest in the south-eastern part of Ethiopia. Two indigenous tree species of different life forms were selected to investigate differences in tree physiology and adaptation strategies on local seasonality of rainfall. Croton macrostachyus (Euphorbiaceae) is a deciduous broadleaved tree growing up fast and light demanding in natural gaps. On the other hand Podocarpus falcatus (Podocarpaceae) is a shade tolerant evergreen conifer tree occupying the upperstory of the forest canopy as a climax species. After 13CO2 labelling within a whole tree labelling chamber at the end of long rainy season 2008 (October), wood samples (increment cores) were collected of labelled trees in March 2011. Furthermore, increment cores of unlabelled more or less same aged species were also analyzed for control. Depending on wood density, thin sections of 30 or 40 μm were cut of the increment cores with the help of rotation microtome (Leica) followed by carbon isotopes (δ13C) measurements of bulk wood. Results are discussed and compared to previous species-specific findings of dendrometer measurements.
Krepkowski, J., Bräuning, A., Shibistova, O., Gebrekirstos, A., & Guggenberger, G. (2012). Comparison of climax and pioneer tree species in Munessa Forest (Ethiopia): Intra-annual isotope measurements (13C) after in situ 13CO2 labelling. Poster presentation at Annual Conference of the Society for Tropical Ecology (gtö): Islands in land- and seascape: The challenges of fragmentation., Erlangen, DE.
Krepkowski, Julia, et al. "Comparison of climax and pioneer tree species in Munessa Forest (Ethiopia): Intra-annual isotope measurements (13C) after in situ 13CO2 labelling." Presented at Annual Conference of the Society for Tropical Ecology (gtö): Islands in land- and seascape: The challenges of fragmentation., Erlangen Ed. Bräuning A., Richter M., Peters T., 2012.
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