Schneid E, Prechtel A, Knabner P (2000)
Publication Status: Published
Publication Type: Journal article, Original article
Publication year: 2000
Publisher: E P P Publications
Book Volume: 8
Pages Range: 357-365
Journal Issue: 4
The application of natural attenuation as a site remediation strategy depends essentially on the reliable prediction of the migration of the contaminant plume. We present a one-dimensional simulation tool that is capable of handling a variety of complex scenarios predicted to be of interest in site remediation problems. The implementation of the different components is organized in a modular structure that facilitates arbitrary extensions of the incorporated models and enables the model components to be combined. Efficient, robust numerical techniques (e.g. hybrid mixed finite elements) are embedded in a menu driven, user-friendly environment to serve hydrogeologists or engineers without profound knowledge of the mathematical theory. The software is suitable for Unix workstations as well as inexpensive personal computers. The model components include reactive solute transport (with diffusion, dispersion, advection and sorption) and single- as well as two-phase flow in the saturated and the vadose zone. The underlying models contain non-standard effects that enable the simulation of a large variety of relevant support strategies for natural attenuation. We present examples for the interaction of the transport of surface-active agents and the water flow or the influence of carriers, which can change predicted residence and travel times of strongly sorbing contaminants by several orders of magnitude.
Schneid, E., Prechtel, A., & Knabner, P. (2000). A comprehensive tool for the simulation of complex reactive transport and flow in soils. Land Contamination and Reclamation, 8(4), 357-365.
Schneid, Eckhard, Alexander Prechtel, and Peter Knabner. "A comprehensive tool for the simulation of complex reactive transport and flow in soils." Land Contamination and Reclamation 8.4 (2000): 357-365.
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