Matching the acoustic model to front-end signal processing for ASR in noisy and reverberant environments
Maas R, Schwarz A, Reindl K, Zheng Y, Meier S, Sehr A, Kellermann W (2012)
Publication Language: English
Publication Type: Conference contribution
Publication year: 2012
Pages Range: 637-638
Event location: Darmstadt
ISBN: 978-3-939296-04-1
Distant-talking automatic speech recognition (ASR) represents an extremely challenging task. The major reason is that unwanted additive interference and reverberation are picked up by the microphones besides the desired signal. A hands-free human-machine interface should therefore comprise a powerful acoustic preprocessing unit in line with a robust ASR back-end. However, since perfect speech enhancement cannot be achieved in practice, the output of the front-end will always contain some residual interference and some distortion of the desired signal. It is hence of decisive importance to carefully adjust the hidden Markov models (HMMs) of the ASR system to the front-end. In this contribution, we present a two-channel acoustic front-end based on blind source separation along with Wiener filtering. For the front-end integration into the ASR system, different types of multi-style as well as adaptive training and HMM adaptation are investigated.
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How to cite
Maas, R., Schwarz, A., Reindl, K., Zheng, Y., Meier, S., Sehr, A., & Kellermann, W. (2012). Matching the acoustic model to front-end signal processing for ASR in noisy and reverberant environments. In Proceedings of the Deutsche Jahrestagung für Akustik (DAGA) (pp. 637-638). Darmstadt, DE.
Maas, Roland, et al. "Matching the acoustic model to front-end signal processing for ASR in noisy and reverberant environments." Proceedings of the Deutsche Jahrestagung für Akustik (DAGA), Darmstadt 2012. 637-638.
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