Influence of rheology and geometry on the teapot effect of a curtain coater

Döll H, Gerlach D, Alleborn N, Delgado A (2009)

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2009


Publisher: EDP Sciences: EPJ

Book Volume: 166

Pages Range: 133-137

Journal Issue: 1

DOI: 10.1140/epjst/e2009-00893-y


The present study investigates the deflection of a liquid sheet forming at the die lip of a slide-fed curtain coater, known as 'teapot effect'. The influence of the shear-rate dependent viscosity, the geometry ofthe lip edge and the flow rate on the degree of deflection has been considered. © EDP Sciences and Springer 2009.

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How to cite


Döll, H., Gerlach, D., Alleborn, N., & Delgado, A. (2009). Influence of rheology and geometry on the teapot effect of a curtain coater. European Physical Journal - Special Topics, 166(1), 133-137.


Döll, Harald, et al. "Influence of rheology and geometry on the teapot effect of a curtain coater." European Physical Journal - Special Topics 166.1 (2009): 133-137.

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