Using LIGGGHTS for performing DEM simulations of particles of complex shapes with the multisphere method

Ribeiro Parteli EJ (2013)

Publication Language: English

Publication Type: Conference contribution, Original article

Publication year: 2013

Pages Range: 217 - 222


The multisphere method is commonly used as an approximation for modeling particles of complex geometric shapes in DEM simulations. However, typically the mass and moment of inertia of the resulting sphere clumps are incorrectly computed as a result of the (artifactual) contribution of the sphere-sphere overlaps. We adapted the current public release of LIGGGHTS in order to perform DEM simulations of rigid bodies using the mass and moment of inertia of the particles as obtained through an analytical (exact) method.

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How to cite


Ribeiro Parteli, E.J. (2013). Using LIGGGHTS for performing DEM simulations of particles of complex shapes with the multisphere method. In Proceedings of the the 6th International Conference on Discrete Element Methods (pp. 217 - 222).


Ribeiro Parteli, Eric Josef. "Using LIGGGHTS for performing DEM simulations of particles of complex shapes with the multisphere method." Proceedings of the the 6th International Conference on Discrete Element Methods 2013. 217 - 222.

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