Crossed product algebras and direct integral decomposition for Lie supergroups

Neeb KH, Salmasian H (2016)

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2016


Book Volume: 282

Pages Range: 213-232

Journal Issue: 1


DOI: 10.2140/pjm.2016.282.213


For every finite dimensional Lie supergroup (G,g), we define a C∗-algebra A:=A(G,g) and show that there exists a canonical bijective correspondence between unitary representations of (G,g) and nondegenerate ∗-representations of A

. The proof of existence of such a correspondence relies on a subtle characterization of smoothing operators of unitary representations previously studied by Neeb, Salmasian, and Zellner.

For a broad class of Lie supergroups, which includes nilpotent as well as classical simple ones, we prove that the associated C∗
-algebra is CCR. In particular, we obtain the uniqueness of direct integral decomposition for unitary representations of these Lie supergroups.

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How to cite


Neeb, K.H., & Salmasian, H. (2016). Crossed product algebras and direct integral decomposition for Lie supergroups. Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 282(1), 213-232.


Neeb, Karl Hermann, and Hadi Salmasian. "Crossed product algebras and direct integral decomposition for Lie supergroups." Pacific Journal of Mathematics 282.1 (2016): 213-232.

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