Neeb KH, Salmasian H (2011)
Publication Type: Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Publication year: 2011
Publisher: Springer, Heidelberg
Edited Volumes: Supersymmetry in mathematics and physics
Series: Lecture Notes in Math.
Book Volume: 2027
Pages Range: 195--239
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-21744-9_10
Neeb, K.H., & Salmasian, H. (2011). Lie supergroups, unitary representations, and invariant cones. In R. Fioresi, S. Ferrara, V.S. Varadarajan (Eds.), Supersymmetry in mathematics and physics. (pp. 195--239). Springer, Heidelberg.
Neeb, Karl Hermann, and Hadi Salmasian. "Lie supergroups, unitary representations, and invariant cones." Supersymmetry in mathematics and physics. Ed. R. Fioresi, S. Ferrara, V.S. Varadarajan, Springer, Heidelberg, 2011. 195--239.
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