The longtime behavior of branching random walk in a catalytic medium

Greven A, Klenke A, Wakolbinger A (1999)

Publication Type: Journal article, Original article

Publication year: 1999


Publisher: Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS): OAJ / Institute of Mathematical Statistics

Book Volume: 4

Pages Range: 80 pp.

Journal Issue: 12


DOI: 10.1214/EJP.v4-49


We consider catalytic branching random walk (the reactant) where the state space is a countable Abelean group. The branching is critical binary and the local branching rate is given by a catalytic medium. Here the medium is itself an autonomous (ordinary) branching random walk (the catalyst) - maybe with a different motion law. For persistent catalyst (transient motion) the reactant shows the usual dichotomy of persistence versus extinction depending on transience or recurrence of its motion. If the catalyst goes to local extinction it turns out that the longtime behaviour of the reactant ranges (depending on its motion) from local extinction to free random walk with either deterministic or random global intensity of particles.

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How to cite


Greven, A., Klenke, A., & Wakolbinger, A. (1999). The longtime behavior of branching random walk in a catalytic medium. Electronic Journal of Probability, 4(12), 80 pp..


Greven, Andreas, Achim Klenke, and Anton Wakolbinger. "The longtime behavior of branching random walk in a catalytic medium." Electronic Journal of Probability 4.12 (1999): 80 pp.

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