Awad A, Bazan P, German R (2012)
Publication Language: English
Publication Type: Conference contribution
Publication year: 2012
Publisher: IEEE
Edited Volumes: Proceedings - UKSim-AMSS 6th European Modelling Symposium, EMS 2012
Pages Range: 305-310
Conference Proceedings Title: EMS 2012 - UKSim/AMSS 6th European Symposium on Computer Modeling and Simulation
DOI: 10.1109/EMS.2012.21
Smart grid, which is a set of enabling technologies, is seen by experts as very promising vision that has the potential to encounter the challenges of next-generation power grid. Smart grid consists mainly of power and communication networks, therefore investigating new methods and innovations in smart grid requires coupling these two worlds together. Development and evaluation of complex smart grid applications would benefit from efficient simulation environment. The traditional approach is to employ two simulators, one for communication and the other for power grid, nevertheless this approach would require coordination of multiple simulators, each having its own intrinsic timing and relationship attributes. In this paper we present an abstracted model-based approach that models and simulates communication and power systems within one simulator. We discuss the design and implementation of different components in this simulation environment. This way of implementation enables easy and rapid modeling, simulation and investigation of new methods and innovations of new smart grid applications. We also present preliminary simulation results of a case study evaluating atypical smart grid application where we show the benefit of empowering the power grid with communication capabilities. © 2012 IEEE.
Awad, A., Bazan, P., & German, R. (2012). Abstract-Based Methodology for Modeling and Simulation of Smart Grid Components. In EMS 2012 - UKSim/AMSS 6th European Symposium on Computer Modeling and Simulation (pp. 305-310). Valetta, MT: IEEE.
Awad, Abdalkarim, Peter Bazan, and Reinhard German. "Abstract-Based Methodology for Modeling and Simulation of Smart Grid Components." Proceedings of the EMS 2012 - UKSim/AMSS 6th European Modelling Symposium, Valetta IEEE, 2012. 305-310.
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