PKCζ-interacting protein ZIP3 is generated by intronic polyadenylation, and is expressed in the brain and retina of the rat.

Urbanczyk A, Jünemann A, Enz R (2011)

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2011


Publisher: Portland Press

Pages Range: 43-50

Journal Issue: 433

DOI: 10.1042/BJ20101111


Scaffold proteins contain multiple protein - protein interaction modules that physically assemble functionally related proteins into larger complexes. ZIPs [PKC (protein kinase C) ζ-interacting proteins] link the enzymatic activity of the atypical PKC isoforms PKCλ/ι or PKCζ to target proteins and are associated with neurodegenerative disorders. In the rat, alternative splicing generates three ZIP variants. Previously, we identified the ZIP3 transcript, containing 13 C-terminal amino acids encoded by intron 4, in the rat CNS (central nervous system). In the present study, we identified intronic polyadenylation signals in rat and hu man ZIP genes [known as SQSTM1 (sequestosome-1) in humans] and detected the corresponding ZIP3-like transcripts. In addition, we generated ZIP3-specific immune sera and observed expression of the protein in the brain and retina of the adult rat. In the retina, ZIP3 is present in nuclear layers where it co-localizes with PKCζ. An immune serum recognizing all three ZIP isoforms labelled the same cells as the newly generated ZIP3-specific antibodies and, in addition, stained both synaptic layers of the retina. There, ZIPs are localized in axon terminals of rod bipolar cells that also contain ZIP-interacting PKCζ and GABA C (γ-aminobutyric acid type C) receptors. In summary, we detected ZIP3-like transcripts in ratand human-derived samples and describe the expression of ZIP3 in the rat CNS. © The Authors Journal compilation © 2011 Biochemical Society.

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How to cite


Urbanczyk, A., Jünemann, A., & Enz, R. (2011). PKCζ-interacting protein ZIP3 is generated by intronic polyadenylation, and is expressed in the brain and retina of the rat. Biochemical Journal, 433, 43-50.


Urbanczyk, Andreas, Anselm Jünemann, and Ralf Enz. "PKCζ-interacting protein ZIP3 is generated by intronic polyadenylation, and is expressed in the brain and retina of the rat." Biochemical Journal 433 (2011): 43-50.

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