Pöschel T, Brilliantov N, Formella A, Heckel M, Kruelle C, Müller P, Salueña C, Schwager T (2008)
Publication Language: English
Publication Type: Journal article
Publication year: 2008
Publisher: Taylor and Francis Inc.
Book Volume: 12
Pages Range: 827--870
Journal Issue: 7-8
We discuss several models for granular particles commonly used in Molecular Dynamics simulations of granular materials, including spheres with linear dashpot force, viscoelastic spheres and adhesive viscoelastic spheres. Starting from the vectorial interaction forces we derive the coefficients of normal and tangential restitution as functions of the vectorial impact velocity and of the material constants. We review the methods of measurements of the coefficients of restitution and characterize the coefficient of normal restitution as a fluctuating quantity. Moreover, the scaling behavior and the influence of different force laws on the dynamical system behavior are discussed. The powerful method of event-driven Molecular Dynamics is described and the algorithmic simulation technique is explained in detail. Finally we discuss the limitations of event-driven MD.
Pöschel, T., Brilliantov, N., Formella, A., Heckel, M., Kruelle, C., Müller, P.,... Schwager, T. (2008). Contact of granular particles and the simulation of rapid flows using event-driven molecular dynamics. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 12(7-8), 827--870. https://doi.org/10.3166/ejece.12.827-870
Pöschel, Thorsten, et al. "Contact of granular particles and the simulation of rapid flows using event-driven molecular dynamics." European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering 12.7-8 (2008): 827--870.
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