Munnecke A, Samtleben C (1996)
Publication Language: English
Publication Type: Journal article, Original article
Publication year: 1996
Publisher: Springer Verlag (Germany)
Book Volume: Facies
Pages Range: 159-176
Journal Issue: 34
DOI: 10.1007/BF02546162
Open Access Link:
Micritic Iimestone-mari alternations make up the
major part of the Silurian strata on Gotland (Sweden).
Their position on the stable Baltic Shield protectcd them
from deep burial and tectonic stress and allowed the
preservation of early stages of burial diagenesis, incl uding
lilhification. In the micritic Iimestones certain characteristics
have been preserved (e.g., pitted microspar
crystals, sharp bot;ndaries between microspar and components,
Iack of deformation phenomena) that offcr
insights into lheir formation. We suppose thc formation
of lhese micritic Iimestones and Iimestone-mari alternations
to be based on a rhylhmic diagenesis within an
aragonite solution zone (ASZ) close below the sediment
surface. The micritic Iimestones are the product of a
poikilotopic cementation of carbonate muds which consisted
of varying portions of aragonitic, calcitic and
terrigenaus matter. Their microspar crystals show the
primary size and shape of the cements lithifying the
original carbonate mud. Dissolution of aragonite in the
marls provided the carbonate for the lithification of the limestones. By cementation, lhe Iimestone beds evaded
further compaclion. The marls, which already underwent a
volume decrease by aragonite depletion, lacked cement and
became more and more compacted due to increasing se
overburden. Allhough field Observationsshow lhat
primary differences in material influence lhe development
of Iimestone-mari alternations lhey are notrequired for lheir
Munnecke, A., & Samtleben, C. (1996). The formation of micritic limestones and the development of limestone-marl alternations in the Silurian of Gotland, Sweden. Facies, Facies(34), 159-176.
Munnecke, Axel, and Christian Samtleben. "The formation of micritic limestones and the development of limestone-marl alternations in the Silurian of Gotland, Sweden." Facies Facies.34 (1996): 159-176.
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