Regimes of quantum transport in superlattices in a weak magnetic field

Malzer S (2004)

Publication Type: Journal article, Original article

Publication year: 2004


Original Authors: Pusep Yu.A., Ribeiro M.B., Arakaki H., De Souza C.A., Zanello P.A., Malzer S., Dohler G.H.

Publisher: Institute of Physics: Hybrid Open Access

Book Volume: 16

Pages Range: 2447-2453

Journal Issue: 13

DOI: 10.1088/0953-8984/16/13/022


Weak field magnetoresistance was explored in GaAs/AlGaAs superlattices with different strengths of disorder produced either by the random variation of the well thicknesses or by the interface roughness. Depending on the disorder strength, three different regimes of the quantum transport were distinguished: the regimes of weak localization identified as the regimes of propagative and diffusive Fermi surfaces and the strongly localized insulating regime. Our results imply different dephasing mechanisms in the weak and strong localization limits. The vertical coupling energies in the superlattices determined with the random variation of the well thicknesses revealed a significant decrease with increasing disorder strength.

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How to cite


Malzer, S. (2004). Regimes of quantum transport in superlattices in a weak magnetic field. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 16(13), 2447-2453.


Malzer, Stefan. "Regimes of quantum transport in superlattices in a weak magnetic field." Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 16.13 (2004): 2447-2453.

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