Valency - Item-Specifity and Idiom Principle

Herbst T (2009)

Publication Language: English

Publication Status: Accepted

Publication Type: Book chapter / Article in edited volumes

Publication year: 2009

Original Authors: Herbst Thomas

Publisher: Benjamins

Edited Volumes: Exploring the Lexis-Grammar Interface

City/Town: Amsterdam/Philadelphia

Pages Range: 46-68


This article discusses the relation between item-specific knowledge and generalized knowledge in the area of valency and argument structure constructions.

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How to cite


Herbst, T. (2009). Valency - Item-Specifity and Idiom Principle. In Römer Ute, Schulze Rainer (Eds.), Exploring the Lexis-Grammar Interface. (pp. 46-68). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins.


Herbst, Thomas. "Valency - Item-Specifity and Idiom Principle." Exploring the Lexis-Grammar Interface. Ed. Römer Ute, Schulze Rainer, Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins, 2009. 46-68.

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