The Political and Moral conceptions of Human Rights - a mixed Account

Mayr E (2012)

Publication Language: English

Publication Type: Book chapter / Article in edited volumes

Publication year: 2012

Publisher: De Gruyter

Edited Volumes: The Philosophy of Human Rights. Contemporary Controversies

City/Town: Berlin

Pages Range: 73-104

ISBN: 978-3-11-916383-5

Authors with CRIS profile

How to cite


Mayr, E. (2012). The Political and Moral conceptions of Human Rights - a mixed Account. In Ernst, G., Heilinger, J.C. (Eds.), The Philosophy of Human Rights. Contemporary Controversies. (pp. 73-104). Berlin: De Gruyter.


Mayr, Erasmus. "The Political and Moral conceptions of Human Rights - a mixed Account." The Philosophy of Human Rights. Contemporary Controversies. Ed. Ernst, G., Heilinger, J.C., Berlin: De Gruyter, 2012. 73-104.

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