Myocardial tissue engineering: a review

Jawad H, Ali NN, Lyon AR, Chen QZ, Harding SE, Boccaccini AR (2007)

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2007


Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell

Pages Range: 327-342

Journal Issue: 1

DOI: 10.1002/term.46


Myocardial tissue engineering, a concept that intends to overcome the obstacles to prolonging patients' life after myocardial infarction, is continuously improving. It comprises a biomaterial based 'vehicle', either a porous scaffold or dense patch, made of either natural or synthetic polymeric materials, to aid transportation of cells into the diseased region in the heart. Many different cell types have been suggested for cell therapy and myocardial tissue engineering. These include both autologous and embryonic stem cells, both having their advantages and disadvantages. Biomaterials suggested for this specific tissue-engineering application need to be biocompatible with the cardiac cells and have particular mechanical properties matching those of native myocardium, so that the delivered donor cells integrate and remain intact in vivo. Although much research is being carried out, many questions still remain unanswered requiring further research efforts. In this review, we discuss the various approaches reported in the field of myocardial tissue engineering, focusing on the achievements of combining biomaterials and cells by various techniques to repair the infarcted region, also providing an insight on clinical trials and possible cell sources in cell therapy. Alternative suggestions to myocardial tissue engineering, in situ engineering and left ventricular devices are also discussed. © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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How to cite


Jawad, H., Ali, N.N., Lyon, A.R., Chen, Q.Z., Harding, S.E., & Boccaccini, A.R. (2007). Myocardial tissue engineering: a review. Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, 1, 327-342.


Jawad, H., et al. "Myocardial tissue engineering: a review." Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine 1 (2007): 327-342.

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