Goethes Kunstpolitik

Hecht C (2011)

Publication Language: German

Publication Type: Book chapter / Article in edited volumes

Publication year: 2011

Publisher: Metzler

Edited Volumes: Goethe Handbuch. Supplemente Band 3. Kunst.

City/Town: Stuttgart

Book Volume: 3

Pages Range: 127-167

Authors with CRIS profile

How to cite


Hecht, C. (2011). Goethes Kunstpolitik. In Beyer Andreas, Osterkamp Ernst (Hrg.), Goethe Handbuch. Supplemente Band 3. Kunst. (S. 127-167). Stuttgart: Metzler.


Hecht, Christian. "Goethes Kunstpolitik." Goethe Handbuch. Supplemente Band 3. Kunst. Hrg. Beyer Andreas, Osterkamp Ernst, Stuttgart: Metzler, 2011. 127-167.

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