Geiselhart K (2012)
Publication Status: Published
Publication Type: Journal article, Original article
Publication year: 2012
Publisher: Deutsche Akademie für Landeskunde e.V.
Book Volume: 86
Pages Range: 31-47
Journal Issue: 1
Referring to the semiotic of Eco, ideas of the asemotic, critical reviews of difference theory and Mersch's posthermeneutic this article argues for social sciences not to overemphasise theory of signs. Deweys concept of experience shows why people from a pedagogical and psychological standpoint have positive notions about their truths they believe in. Pragmatists see all notions as deriving from dealings with material, social or intellectual objects of the world and always as focussing on practical tasks that are at hand. Notions through experience become somehow fixed and compulsory with an individual or a group. This can not be covered by the binary concept of identity and alternity, which is called difference. Furthermore, the concept of experience will be explained as a tool for guiding field work in order to analyse the performativity of social events.
Geiselhart, K. (2012). "Erfahrung" wider die kulturtheoretische Weltvergessenheit. Über Performativität, Posthermeneutik, das Asemiotische und die Grenze der Differenztheorie. Berichte zur Deutschen Landeskunde, 86(1), 31-47.
Geiselhart, Klaus. ""Erfahrung" wider die kulturtheoretische Weltvergessenheit. Über Performativität, Posthermeneutik, das Asemiotische und die Grenze der Differenztheorie." Berichte zur Deutschen Landeskunde 86.1 (2012): 31-47.
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