Hänsel W, Reichel J, Hommelhoff P, Haensch TW (2001)
Publication Type: Journal article
Publication year: 2001
Publisher: American Physical Society
Book Volume: 64
Pages Range: 063607
URI: http://prola.aps.org/abstract/PRA/v64/i6/e063607
A dynamic potential interferometer working with three-dimensionally trapped atoms was studied. A time-dependent interaction picture was used to describe the quantum-state evolution. Probabilities for nonadiabatic transitions were compared to neighboring levels. For a realistic magnetic microtrap, parameters that suggest an experimental implementation in the near future were established. Based on the theoretical results, an optimization scheme for the reduction of vibrational excitations was developed.
Hänsel, W., Reichel, J., Hommelhoff, P., & Haensch, T.W. (2001). Trapped-atom interferometer in a magnetic microtrap. Physical Review A, 64, 063607.
Hänsel, Wolfgang, et al. "Trapped-atom interferometer in a magnetic microtrap." Physical Review A 64 (2001): 063607.
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