Bleiziffer P, Heßelmann A, Görling A (2012)
Publication Type: Journal article, Original article
Publication year: 2012
Original Authors: Bleiziffer P., Heßelmann A., Görling A.
Publisher: American Institute of Physics (AIP)
Book Volume: 136
Article Number: 134102
Journal Issue: 13
DOI: 10.1063/1.3697845
Two related methods to calculate the Kohn-Sham correlation energy within the framework of the adiabatic-connection fluctuation-dissipation theorem are presented. The required coupling-strength-dependent density-density response functions are calculated within exact-exchange time-dependent density-functional theory, i.e., within time-dependent density-functional response theory using the full frequency-dependent exchange kernel in addition to the Coulomb kernel. The resulting resolution-of-identity exact-exchange random-phase approximation (RI-EXXRPA) methods in contrast to previous EXXRPA methods employ an auxiliary basis set (RI basis set) to improve the computational efficiency, in particular, to reduce the formal scaling of the computational effort with respect to the system size N from N to N . Moreover, the presented RI-EXXRPA methods, in contrast to previous ones, do not treat products of occupied times unoccupied orbitals as if they were linearly independent. Finally, terms neglected in previous EXXRPA methods can be included, which leads to a method designated RI-EXXRPA, while the method without these extra terms is simply referred to as RI-EXXRPA. Both EXXRPA methods are shown to yield total energies, reaction energies of small molecules, and binding energies of noncovalently bonded dimers of a quality that is similar and in some cases even better than that obtained with quantum chemistry methods such as Moller-Plesset perturbation theory of second order (MP2) or with the coupled cluster singles doubles method. In contrast to MP2 and to conventional density-functional methods, the presented RI-EXXRPA methods are able to treat static correlation. © 2012 American Institute of Physics.
Bleiziffer, P., Heßelmann, A., & Görling, A. (2012). Resolution of identity approach for the Kohn-Sham correlation energy within the exact-exchange random-phase approximation. Journal of Chemical Physics, 136(13).
Bleiziffer, Patrick, Andreas Heßelmann, and Andreas Görling. "Resolution of identity approach for the Kohn-Sham correlation energy within the exact-exchange random-phase approximation." Journal of Chemical Physics 136.13 (2012).
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