Eneman K, Luts H, Wouters J, Büchler M, Dillier N, Dreschler W, Froehlich M, Grimm G, Hohmann V, Houben R, Leijon A, Lombard A, Mauler D, Moonen M, Puder H, Schulte M, Spriet A, Vormann M (2008)
Publication Language: English
Publication Type: Conference contribution
Publication year: 2008
URI: http://www.eurasip.org/Proceedings/Eusipco/Eusipco2008/papers/1569102322.pdf
In the frame of the HearCom1 project five promising signal enhancement algorithms are validated for future use in hearing instrument devices. To assess the algorithm performance solely based on simulation experiments, a number of physical evaluation measures have been proposed that incorporate basic aspects of normal and impaired human hearing. Additionally, each of the algorithms has been implemented on a common real-time hardware/software platform, which facilitates a profound subjective validation of the algorithm performance. Recently, a multicenter study has been set up across five different test centers in Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany and Switzerland to perceptually evaluate the selected signal enhancement approaches with normally hearing and hearing impaired listeners.
Eneman, K., Luts, H., Wouters, J., Büchler, M., Dillier, N., Dreschler, W.,... Vormann, M. (2008). Evaluation of Signal Enhancement Algorithms for Hearing Instruments. In Proceedings of the 16th European Signal Processing Conference. Lausanne, CH.
Eneman, K., et al. "Evaluation of Signal Enhancement Algorithms for Hearing Instruments." Proceedings of the 16th European Signal Processing Conference, Lausanne 2008.
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