Feldner P, Merle B, Göken M (2017)
Publication Status: Published
Publication Type: Journal article
Publication year: 2017
Book Volume: 32
Pages Range: 1466-1473
Journal Issue: 8
DOI: 10.1557/jmr.2017.69
The strain-rate sensitivity of the flow stress represents a crucial parameter for characterizing the deformation kinetics of a material. In this work a new method was developed and validated for determining the local strain-rate sensitivity of the flow stress at different plastic strains. The approach is based on spherical nanoindentation strain-rate jump tests during one deformation experiment. In the case of ultrafine-grained Al and ultrafine-grained Cu good agreement between this technique and macroscopic compression tests has been achieved. In contrast to this, individual spherical nanoindentation experiments at constant strain-rates resulted in unrealistically high strain-rate sensitivities for both materials because of drift influences. Microstructural investigations of the residual spherical imprints on ultrafine-grained Al and ultrafine-grained Cu revealed significant differences regarding the deformation structure. For ultrafine-grained Cu considerably less activity of grain boundary sliding has been observed compared to ultrafinegrained Al.
Feldner, P., Merle, B., & Göken, M. (2017). Determination of the strain-rate sensitivity of ultrafine-grained materials by spherical nanoindentation. Journal of Materials Research, 32(8), 1466-1473. https://doi.org/10.1557/jmr.2017.69
Feldner, Patrick, Benoit Merle, and Mathias Göken. "Determination of the strain-rate sensitivity of ultrafine-grained materials by spherical nanoindentation." Journal of Materials Research 32.8 (2017): 1466-1473.
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