Clinical relevance of miR-mediated HLA-G regulation and the associated immune cell infiltration in renal cell carcinoma

Jasinski-Bergner S, Stoehr C, Bukur J, Massa C, Braun J, Huettelmaier S, Spath V, Wartenberg R, Legal W, Taubert H, Wach S, Wullich B, Hartmann A, Seliger B (2015)

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2015


Book Volume: 4

Pages Range: e1008805

Journal Issue: 6

DOI: 10.1080/2162402X.2015.1008805


In human tumors of distinct origin including renal cell carcinoma (RCC), the non-classical human leukocyte antigen G (HLA-G) is frequently expressed, thereby inhibiting the cytotoxic activity of T and natural killer (NK) cells. Recent studies demonstrated a strong post-transcriptional gene regulation of the HLA-G by miR-152, -148A, -148B and -133A. Standard methods were applied to characterize the expression and function of HLA-G, HLA-G-regulatory microRNAs (miRs) and the immune cell infiltration in 453 RCC lesions using a tissue microarray and five RCC cell lines linking these results to clinical parameters. Direct interactions with HLA-G regulatory miRs and the HLA-G 3' untranslated region (UTR) were detected and the affinities of these different miRs to the HLA-G 3'-UTR compared. qPCR analyses and immunohistochemical staining revealed an inverse expression of miR-148A and -133A with the HLA-G protein in situ and in vitro. Stable miR overexpression caused a downregulation of HLA-G protein enhancing the NK and LAK cell-mediated cytotoxicity in in vitro CD107a activation assays revealing a HLA-G-dependent cytotoxic activity of immune effector cells. A significant higher frequency of CD3(+)/CD8(+) T cell lymphocytes, but no differences in the activation markers CD69, CD25 or in the presence of CD56(+), FoxP3(+) and CD4(+) immune cells were detected in HLA-G(+) compared to HLA-G(-) RCC lesions. This could be associated with higher WHO grade, but not with a disease-specific survival. These data suggest a miR-mediated control of HLA-G expression in RCC, which is associated with a distinct pattern of immune cell infiltration.

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How to cite


Jasinski-Bergner, S., Stoehr, C., Bukur, J., Massa, C., Braun, J., Huettelmaier, S.,... Seliger, B. (2015). Clinical relevance of miR-mediated HLA-G regulation and the associated immune cell infiltration in renal cell carcinoma. OncoImmunology, 4(6), e1008805.


Jasinski-Bergner, Simon, et al. "Clinical relevance of miR-mediated HLA-G regulation and the associated immune cell infiltration in renal cell carcinoma." OncoImmunology 4.6 (2015): e1008805.

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