Neeb KH (1995)
Publication Type: Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Publication year: 1995
Publisher: de Gruyter, Berlin
Edited Volumes: Semigroups in algebra, geometry and analysis (Oberwolfach, 1993)
Series: de Gruyter Exp. Math.
Book Volume: 20
Pages Range: 241--271
Neeb, K.H. (1995). Holomorphic representations of Olshanski semigroups. In K.H. Hofmann et al. (Eds.), Semigroups in algebra, geometry and analysis (Oberwolfach, 1993). (pp. 241--271). de Gruyter, Berlin.
Neeb, Karl Hermann. "Holomorphic representations of Olshanski semigroups." Semigroups in algebra, geometry and analysis (Oberwolfach, 1993). Ed. K.H. Hofmann et al., de Gruyter, Berlin, 1995. 241--271.
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