Brownian particles in random and quasicrystalline potentials: How they approach the equilibrium

Schmiedeberg M, Roth J, Stark H (2007)

Publication Status: Published

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2007


Publisher: SPRINGER

Book Volume: 24

Pages Range: 367-377

Journal Issue: 4

DOI: 10.1140/epje/i2007-10247-7


We study the Brownian motion of an ensemble of single colloidal particles in a random square and a quasicrystalline potential when they start from non-equlibrium. For both potentials, Brownian dynamics simulations reveal a widespread subdiffusive regime before the diffusive long-time limit is reached in thermal equilibrium. We develop a random trap model based on a distribution for the depths of trapping sites that reproduces the results of the simulations in detail. Especially, it gives analytic formulas for the long-time diffusion constant and the relaxation time into the diffusive regime. Aside from detailed differences, our work demonstrates that quasicrystalline potentials can be used to mimic aspects of random potentials.

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How to cite


Schmiedeberg, M., Roth, J., & Stark, H. (2007). Brownian particles in random and quasicrystalline potentials: How they approach the equilibrium. European Physical Journal E, 24(4), 367-377.


Schmiedeberg, Michael, Johannes Roth, and Holger Stark. "Brownian particles in random and quasicrystalline potentials: How they approach the equilibrium." European Physical Journal E 24.4 (2007): 367-377.

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