Magnetic excitations in two-leg spin 1/2 ladders: experiment and theory

Schmidt KP (2002)

Publication Status: Published

Publication Type: Conference contribution

Publication year: 2002



Book Volume: 63

Pages Range: 2167-2173

Journal Issue: 12


Magnetic excitations in two-leg S = 1/2 ladders are studied both experimentally and theoretically. Experimentally, we report on the reflectivity, the transmittance and the optical conductivity sigma(omega) of undoped LaxCa14-xCu24O41 for x = 4, 5, and 5.2. Using two different theoretical approaches (Jordan-Wigner fermions and perturbation theory), we calculate the dispersion of the elementary triplets, the optical conductivity and the momentum-resolved spectral density of two-triplet excitations for 0.2 less than or equal to J(\\)/J(perpendicular to) less than or equal to 1.2. We discuss phonon-assisted two-triplet absorption, the existence of two-triplet bound states, the two-triplet continuum, and the size of the exchange parameters. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

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How to cite


Schmidt, K.P. (2002). Magnetic excitations in two-leg spin 1/2 ladders: experiment and theory. (pp. 2167-2173). PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD.


Schmidt, Kai Phillip. "Magnetic excitations in two-leg spin 1/2 ladders: experiment and theory." PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, 2002. 2167-2173.

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