Rieß S, Brendel J, Stöckle A, Rose R, Fischer G (2013)
Publication Type: Conference contribution
Publication year: 2013
Pages Range: 1091-1094
Spectrum sensing is a major part for the implementation of Cognitive Radio (CR) systems in order to enable dynamic access to the radio frequency spectrum. This paper is about a Spectrum Sensing Network (SSN) which generates an accurate radio environment map (i.e. power over frequency, time and location) in the UHF TV band from 470–870 MHz. It consists of a distributed network of multiple receivers with a broadband antenna and a central data management and storage unit. This contribution focuses on the implementation of such a scanning network which has been setup as universal research platform in several halls at the fairground in Berlin. The SSN itself is part of a complex CR system for Professional Wireless Microphone Systems (PWMS) that is able to provide a dynamic frequency allocation of the connected radio links.
Rieß, S., Brendel, J., Stöckle, A., Rose, R., & Fischer, G. (2013). Components and Implementation of a Spectrum Sensing Network for the UHF TV Band. In Proceedings of the European Microwave Conference (EuMC) (pp. 1091-1094). Nuremberg, DE.
Rieß, Steffen, et al. "Components and Implementation of a Spectrum Sensing Network for the UHF TV Band." Proceedings of the European Microwave Conference (EuMC), Nuremberg 2013. 1091-1094.
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