Krüger F, Bankoff G, Cannon T, Orlowski BM, Schipper L (2015)
Publication Language: English
Publication Type: Edited Volume
Subtype: Book
Publication year: 2015
Publisher: Routledge
Series: Routledge Studies in Hazards, Disaster Risk and Climate Change
City/Town: London
Book Volume: 1
Edition: 1
ISBN: 9780415745581
Why did the people of the Zambesi Delta, affected by severe flooding, return early
to their homes or even choose to not evacuate? How is the forced resettlement of
small-scale farmers living along the foothills of an active volcano in the Philippines
impacting on their day-to-day livelihood routines? Making sense of such questions
and observations is only possible by understanding how the decision making of societies
at risk is embedded in culture, and how intervention measures acknowledge, or neglect,
cultural settings. The social construction of risk is being given increasing priority in
the understanding of how people experience and prioritise hazards in their own lives
and how vulnerability can be reduced, and resilience increased, at a local level.
Cultures and Disasters adopts an interdisciplinary approach to explore the cultural
dimension of disaster with contributions from leading international experts in the field.
Section I provides a discussion of research in both theoretical and practical
considerations to better understand the importance of culture in hazards and disaster
management. Culture can be interpreted widely with many different perspectives; this
enables us to critically consider the culturally-bound nature of research itself as well
as the complexities of incorporating various interpretations into Disaster Risk
Reduction (DRR). If culture is omitted from consideration, related issues of
adaptation, coping, intervention, knowledge and power relations cannot be fully
grasped. Section II explores what aspects of culture shape resilience and how people
use culture in everyday life to establish DRR practice. It looks at what constitutes a
resilient culture and what role culture plays in a society’s decision making. It is natural
for people to seek refuge in tried and trusted methods of disaster mitigation; however,
cultural and belief systems are constantly evolving. How these coping strategies can
be introduced into DRR therefore poses a challenging question. Finally, Section III
examines the effectiveness of key scientific frameworks for understanding the role of
culture in DRR and management. DRR includes a range of norms, and breaking
these through improved cultural understanding will challenge established theoretical
and empirical frameworks.
Krüger, F., Bankoff, G., Cannon, T., Orlowski, B.M., & Schipper, L. (Eds.) (2015). Cultures and Disasters: Understanding Cultural Framings in Disaster Risk Reduction. London: Routledge.
Krüger, Fred, et al, eds. Cultures and Disasters: Understanding Cultural Framings in Disaster Risk Reduction. London: Routledge, 2015.
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