The Erlangen instrument of alternating word fluency in dementia (EAWF-D): A new assessment tool combining set-shifting and semantic word fluency

Engel S, Rupprecht R, Mahlberg R (2011)

Publication Language: English

Publication Type: Journal article, Original article

Publication year: 2011


Original Authors: Engel Sabine, Rupprecht Roland, Mahlberg Richard

Publisher: Hogrefe

Book Volume: 24

Pages Range: 137-142

Journal Issue: 3

DOI: 10.1024/1662-9647/a000044


The Erlangen Instrument of Alternating Word Fluency in Dementia (EAWF-D) is a new alternating word fluency task that combines set-shifting and semantic word fluency based on psycholinguistic theory that the ability to switch between two different semantic categories should already be impaired in beginning dementia. N = 138 (58.7% female; age: M = 73.9; SD = 7.03) outpatients of a memory clinic were diagnosed according to the ICD-10 criteria: subjective memory complainers (N = 60), mild cognitive impairment (N = 37), and mild to moderate dementia (N = 41). An analysis of variance of the EAWF-D revealed a significant main effect of diagnosis (F(2, 135) = 46.7; p < .001; η = .41). The EAWF-D score correlates significantly with the MMSE total score (r = .54, p < .001) as well as with MMSE subscores "Orientation" (r = .41, p < .001) and "Recall" (r = .53, p < .001). Ordinal logistic regression analysis confirmed the potential for diagnosis of beginning dementia. © 2011 by Hogrefe Publishing.

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How to cite


Engel, S., Rupprecht, R., & Mahlberg, R. (2011). The Erlangen instrument of alternating word fluency in dementia (EAWF-D): A new assessment tool combining set-shifting and semantic word fluency. GeroPsych, 24(3), 137-142.


Engel, Sabine, Roland Rupprecht, and Richard Mahlberg. "The Erlangen instrument of alternating word fluency in dementia (EAWF-D): A new assessment tool combining set-shifting and semantic word fluency." GeroPsych 24.3 (2011): 137-142.

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