Leugering G, Novotny AA, Perla Menzala G, Sokolowski J (2010)
Publication Type: Journal article
Publication year: 2010
Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell
Book Volume: 33
Pages Range: 2118--2131
Volume: 33
Issue: 17
Journal Issue: 17
DOI: 10.1002/mma.1324
The optimization of shape and topology of piezo-patches or layered piezo-electrical material attached to structural parts, such as elastic bodies, plates and shells, plays a major role in the design of smart structures, as piezo-mechanic-acoustic devices in loudspeakers or energy harvesters. While the design for time-harmonic motions is genuinely frequency-dependent, as has been reported in the literature in the context of density optimization with the SIMP-method, time-varying piezoelectric material has not been investigated with respect to the optimal design so far. Therefore, shape sensitivities for layered piezoelectric material and time-varying loads and charges are derived in this paper. In particular, we provide the shape-derivatives for nested piezo-layers associated with a class of shape functional. More general layers can be dealt with similar approach.
Leugering, G., Novotny, A.A., Perla Menzala, G., & Sokolowski, J. (2010). Shape sensitivity analysis of a quasi-electrostatic piezoelectric system in multilayered media. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 33(17), 2118--2131. https://doi.org/10.1002/mma.1324
Leugering, Günter, et al. "Shape sensitivity analysis of a quasi-electrostatic piezoelectric system in multilayered media." Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 33.17 (2010): 2118--2131.
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