Chepyga LM, Jovicic G, Vetter A, Osvet A, Osvet A, Brabec C, Batentschuk M (2016)
Publication Language: English
Publication Status: Published
Publication Type: Journal article, Original article
Publication year: 2016
Publisher: Springer Verlag (Germany)
Book Volume: 122
Article Number: 212
Journal Issue: 8
DOI: 10.1007/s00340-016-6487-8
This paper investigates Dy-doped and Dy, Er-co-doped yttrium aluminum garnets (YAG) with the admixture of boron nitride with the aim of using them as efficient thermographic phosphors at high temperatures. The phosphors were synthesized using a conventional high-temperature solid-state method. The influence of two fluxes, BO and LiF/NHF, and the effect of activator and coactivator concentrations were investigated. Additionally, the effect of B and N substituting for Al and O ions, respectively, in the YAG:Dy co-doped with Er was studied for the first time. The changes in the host lattice led to a much stronger photoluminescence compared with the samples without B and N substitution. The admixture of BN also improves the thermal sensitivity of the YAG:Dy and YAG:Dy, Er thermographic phosphors.
Chepyga, L.M., Jovicic, G., Vetter, A., Osvet, A., Osvet, A., Brabec, C., & Batentschuk, M. (2016). Photoluminescence properties of thermographic phosphors YAG:Dy and YAG:Dy, Er doped with boron and nitrogen. Applied Physics B-Lasers and Optics, 122(8).
Chepyga, Liudmyla M., et al. "Photoluminescence properties of thermographic phosphors YAG:Dy and YAG:Dy, Er doped with boron and nitrogen." Applied Physics B-Lasers and Optics 122.8 (2016).
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