Friebe M, Kaup A (2006)
Publication Language: English
Publication Status: Published
Publication Type: Conference contribution, Conference Contribution
Publication year: 2006
Publisher: IEEE
Pages Range: 296-301
Article Number: 4064567
ISBN: 9780780397514
In this paper we present a spatio-bi-temporal fading scheme for block loss recovery in block-based video decoding systems. In the first part of the algorithm, based on two different boundary error criterions obtained from bi-temporal error concealment, either the previous, the future, or fading between both temporal methods is used for bi-temporal macroblock estimation. A weighted absolute difference between motion compensated image samples and macroblock boundary samples of the current frame represents one boundary error. In the second part of the algorithm, based on a boundary error criterion obtained from bi-temporal concealment, spatial, bi-temporal, or fading between both methods is used for recovering a lost macroblock. The advantage of this method is that one lost macroblock can be recovered pelwise spatially from the current or bi-temporally from the previous and the future frame by weighted averaging both error concealment results. The simulation results have shown that for recovering a lost macroblock this method outperforms the reference methods both in subjective and objective video quality. © 2006 IEEE.
Friebe, M., & Kaup, A. (2006). Spatio-bi-temporal error concealment in block-based video decoding systems. In Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE 8th Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, MMSP 2006 (pp. 296-301). Victoria, BC, CA: IEEE.
Friebe, Markus, and André Kaup. "Spatio-bi-temporal error concealment in block-based video decoding systems." Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE 8th Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, MMSP 2006, Victoria, BC IEEE, 2006. 296-301.
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