Third Party Funds Group - Sub project
Acronym: AI4ArtsEd: TPap
Start date : 01.01.2024
End date : 31.12.2026
The sub-project "General Education" researches, within the framework of the common question posed by the joint project, the possibilities and limits of an artistically-pedagogical AI design process based on participatory action research. For this purpose, in the first project year, it conducts a series of research, analyses, expert workshops, and OpenSpaces. The subsequent project phase, designed as a feedback loop in several cycles, explores the use of a prototype with educational practitioners and artist-educators, especially in the context of non-formal cultural education, as a relational and collective transformative educational process.
AI is transforming society and the working world; it is increasingly becoming a topic of education. The project explores the opportunities, conditions, and limits of the pedagogical use of artificial intelligence (AI) in culturally diversity-sensitive settings of Cultural Education (KuBi). In three sub-projects – General Education (TPap), Computer Science (TPinf), and Art Education (TPkp) – creativity-oriented pedagogical AI practice research and computer science AI conception and programming interlock closely in cooperation. From the outset, the project systematically involves artistic-pedagogical practice actors in the design process; it acts as a bridge between the professional (quality-related, aesthetic, ethical, and value-related) pedagogical-practical implementation on the one hand and the implementation and training process of the computer science sub-project on the other. From an overall participatory design process of approximately two years, an open-source AI technology is expected to emerge, exploring the extent to which AI systems can already incorporate artistic-pedagogical mandates at their structural level under favorable real-world conditions. The focus is on a) the future applicability and added value of highly innovative technologies for Cultural Education, b) the scope and limits of AI literacy among teachers and learners, and c) the overarching question of the assessability and evaluation of the transformation of pedagogical settings by complex non-human actors in terms of pedagogical ethics and technology impact assessment.