Inter-Thread Testing (InThreaT)

Internally funded project

Acronym: InThreaT

Start date : 01.01.2012

End date : 31.12.2013

Project picture

Project details

Scientific Abstract

In order to achieve higher computing performance, microprocessor manufacturers do not try to achieve faster clock speed anymore - on the contrary: the absolute number of cycles has even decreased, while the number of independent processing units (cores) per processor is continually increased. Due to this evolution, developers must learn to think outside the box: The only way to make their applications faster (in terms of efficiency) is to modularize their programs such that independent sections of code execute concurrently. Unfortunately, present-day systems have reached a level of functional complexity, such that even software for sequential execution is significantly error-prone - the parallelization for multiple cores adds yet another dimension to the non-functional complexity. Although research in the field of software engineering emerged several different quality assurance measures, there are still very few effective methods for testing concurrent applications, as the broad emergence of multi-core systems is relatively young.

This project aims to fill that gap by providing an automated test system. First of all, a testing criteria hierarchy is needed, which provides different coverage metrics tightly tailored to the concept of concurrency. Whilst for example branch coverage for sequential programs requires the execution of each program branch during the test (i.e. making the condition of an if-statements both true and false - even if there is no explicit else branch), a thorough test completion criterion for concurrent applications must demand for the systematic execution of all relevant thread interleavings (i.e. all possibly occurring orderings of statements, where two threads may modify a shared memory area). A testing criterion defines the properties of the 'final' test set only, but does not provide any support for identifying individual test cases. In contrast to testing sequentially executed code, test scenarios for parallel applications must also comprise control information for deterministically steering the execution of the TUT (Threads Under Test).

In 2012, a framework for Java has been developed, which automatically generates such control structures for TUT. The tester must provide the bytecode of his application only; further details such as source code or restrictions of the test scenario selection are optional. The approach uses aspect-oriented programming techniques to enclose memory access statements (reads or writes of variables, responsible for typical race conditions) with automatically generated advices. After weaving the aspects into the SUT (System Under Test), variable accesses are intercepted at runtime, the execution of the corresponding thread is halted until the desired test scenario is reached, and the conflicting threads are reactivated in the order imposed by the given test scenario. In order to demonstrate the functionality, some naive sequence control strategies were implemented, e.g. alternately granting access to shared variables from different threads.

In 2013, the prototypical implementation of the InThreaT framework has been reengineered as an Eclipse plugin. This way, our approach can also be applied in a multi-project environment and the required functionality integrates seamlessly into the development environment (IDE) familiar to programmers and testers. In addition, the configuration effort required from the tester could be reduced, as e.g. selecting and persisting the interesting points of interleaving also became intuitively usable parts of the IDE. In order to automatically explore all relevant interleavings, we need an infrastructure to enrich functional test cases with control information, required to systematically (re)execute individual test cases. In 2013, such an approach for JUnit has been evaluated and implemented prototypically, which allows to mark individual test cases or whole test classes with adequate annotations.


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