FAU GeoExplorer - Tool for digitally supported excursions (FAU GeoExplorer)

FAU own research funding: EFI / IZKF / EAM ...

Acronym: FAU GeoExplorer

Start date : 01.01.2021

End date : 31.12.2023

Website: https://www.geographie.nat.fau.de/forschung/ag-glasze/fau-geoexplorer/

Project details

Scientific Abstract

In geography and many other disciplines (e.g., archaeology, art history, biology, geology), field trips enable on-site learning. Digital media can contextualize locations by providing additional information. In current e-learning solutions, however, the didactic potential of digitally supported excursions is only rudimentarily developed.

This is where the "FAU-GeoExplorer" project comes in: The tool already enables (1) a platform-independent use of media and (2) a didactically structured provision of (3) modular learning units for excursion sites. The GeoExplorer will be further developed step by step.


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