Advanced SCILLs in electrosynthesis: Understanding and tailoring selective hydrogenation an dehydrogenation at ionic liquid interfaces (C05) (SFB 1452 CLINT C05)

Third Party Funds Group - Sub project

Acronym: SFB 1452 CLINT C05

Start date : 01.01.2021

End date : 31.12.2024

Overall project details

Overall project

Catalysis at Liquid Interfaces (CLINT) (SFB 1452 CLINT) Jan. 1, 2021 - Dec. 31, 2024

Project details

Scientific Abstract

In Project C05, we will explore the potential of Advanced SCILLs in electrocatalytic hydrogenation. Using a broad range of EC in situ spectroscopies, microscopies, and advanced EC characterisation methods, we will scrutinise the selective hydrogenation of unsaturated ketones and nitriles on a broad range of test electrodes (single crys-tals, atomically defined model electrodes, complex alloys and supported nanoalloys). At the electrified interface, we will explore (i) how ILs interact with specific sites at the electrode, (ii) how ILs interact with reactants during the electrocatalytic reaction, (iii) how these interactions affect the mechanism and kinetics, and (iv) how ILs can be tailored to enhance the selectivity of electrohydrogenation.


Contributing FAU Organisations:

Funding Source

Research Areas