Surface and interface science studies of Advanced SCILL systems (C02) (SFB 1452 CLINT C02)

Third Party Funds Group - Sub project

Acronym: SFB 1452 CLINT C02

Start date : 01.01.2021

End date : 31.12.2024

Overall project details

Overall project

Catalysis at Liquid Interfaces (CLINT) (SFB 1452 CLINT) Jan. 1, 2021 - Dec. 31, 2024

Project details

Scientific Abstract

We aim at understanding the fundamental processes and the chemical/morphological stability of IL/solid interfaces in Advanced SCILLs. We will proceed in three steps: for non-functionalised and functionalised ILs, we will investigate (a) the chemical interaction and the wetting behaviour of (ultra)thin IL films on the supporting solid on a wide range of well-defined substrates, (b) the stability of Advanced SCILL systems from the point of view of interface chemistry and morphology, and finally, (c) strategies to control and to switch the adsorption and wetting behaviour. Using ARXPS, STM, and AFM, we will extract interface compositions, depth profiles, chemical states, adsorption geometries and growth behaviour.


Contributing FAU Organisations:

Funding Source

Research Areas