SWING 2.0 – Signs for Work Inclusion Gain 2.0 (SWING 2.0)
Third Party Funds Group - Sub project
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Overall project details
Overall project
SWING 2.0 – Signs for Work Inclusion Gain 2.0
Project details
Short description
One of the major barriers for Deaf people or with hearing loss is the
lack of recognition, acceptance and use of sign language in all areas of
life as well as lack of respect for Deaf people’s cultural and
linguistic identity.
This leads to marginalization of them in different aspects of life. In
fact, there are a wide range of professionals who are interacting
directly with deaf people, such as health workers, civil servants or
others like salesmen, waiters or tour guides which could need a specific
training in basic sign language tailored to their necessities to
facilitate some services and full integration of deaf collective, even
as workmates, increasing their job opportunities.
The intention of SWING 2.0 is following the steps of the successful
SWING project and facilitate, with innovative and free own developed
tools, the acquisition and use of basic sign language in different work
environments where its use could enhance the integration of deaf
community at different levels.
In order to this, the project will develop:
- 5 Field study researches and reports about different professional
sectors: civil servants, Health workers, waiters, salesman and tour
guides; including a compilation of the 100 most typical terms in those
- 5000 videos recorded in 5 sign languages (International Sign
Language, Italian Sign Language, Spanish Sign Language, German Sign
Language and Austrian Sign Language) by sign language experts in Full HD
- Video-dictionary platform with integration of those 5000 videos,
1000 images and 2500 terms in fingerspelling. Video-dictionary will be
available in 4 spoken languages (English, Italian, German and Spanish)
and 5 sign languages (IS, LIS, LSE, DGS and ÖGS);
- New SWING 2.0 app developed for learning the 100 most used words in 5
sectors in 5 sign languages with the possibility of downloading the
preferred content by the user. It will be included glossary, filters and
digital flashcard course;
- Training material based on simulation real environment in order to learn sign language imitating real situations.
The available outputs of this project will have impact and could be used mostly by:
- VET teachers;
- trainers or mentors to support people with hearing problems;
- hearing people working in clue job positions related with public
administration, health sector, restaurant/bar, sell articles,
travel/city tours;
- hearing-impaired and deaf people to acquire the vocabulary typical of certain services in important sectors;
- researchers and developers in the field of disabilities to carry out themselves new sign language dictionaries for new areas.
Scientific Abstract
One of the major barriers for Deaf people or with hearing loss is the
lack of recognition, acceptance and use of sign language in all areas of
life as well as lack of respect for Deaf people’s cultural and
linguistic identity.
This leads to marginalization of them in different aspects of life. In
fact, there are a wide range of professionals who are interacting
directly with deaf people, such as health workers, civil servants or
others like salesmen, waiters or tour guides which could need a specific
training in basic sign language tailored to their necessities to
facilitate some services and full integration of deaf collective, even
as workmates, increasing their job opportunities.
The intention of SWING 2.0 is following the steps of the successful
SWING project and facilitate, with innovative and free own developed
tools, the acquisition and use of basic sign language in different work
environments where its use could enhance the integration of deaf
community at different levels.
In order to this, the project will develop:
- 5 Field study researches and reports about different professional
sectors: civil servants, Health workers, waiters, salesman and tour
guides; including a compilation of the 100 most typical terms in those
- 5000 videos recorded in 5 sign languages (International Sign
Language, Italian Sign Language, Spanish Sign Language, German Sign
Language and Austrian Sign Language) by sign language experts in Full HD
- Video-dictionary platform with integration of those 5000 videos,
1000 images and 2500 terms in fingerspelling. Video-dictionary will be
available in 4 spoken languages (English, Italian, German and Spanish)
and 5 sign languages (IS, LIS, LSE, DGS and ÖGS);
- New SWING 2.0 app developed for learning the 100 most used words in 5
sectors in 5 sign languages with the possibility of downloading the
preferred content by the user. It will be included glossary, filters and
digital flashcard course;
- Training material based on simulation real environment in order to learn sign language imitating real situations.
The available outputs of this project will have impact and could be used mostly by:
- VET teachers;
- trainers or mentors to support people with hearing problems;
- hearing people working in clue job positions related with public
administration, health sector, restaurant/bar, sell articles,
travel/city tours;
- hearing-impaired and deaf people to acquire the vocabulary typical of certain services in important sectors;
- researchers and developers in the field of disabilities to carry out themselves new sign language dictionaries for new areas.
Contributing FAU Organisations:
Funding Source