Micro-resolved finite element modeling and simulation of nonwovens

Third party funded individual grant

Start date : 01.06.2021

End date : 31.05.2023

Project details

Scientific Abstract

The goal of this project is to develop a modelling and simulation technique enabling:
(i) the generation of nonwoven unit cell models according to a given set of structure parameters (size, density/grammage, orientation distribution function, fiber properties, …) and relying on a sophisticated beam discretization and formulation extended to contact treatment
(ii) the simulation of the relevant processing steps, i.e. the densification and bond point genera-tion, whereby, for simplicity, only isothermal processes are initially considered and the newly formed bond points are introduced via Dirichlet boundary conditions confining the nonwoven unit cell
(iii) deformation simulations (uniaxial, biaxial, bending,…) under due consideration of fiber proper-ties and contact behavior, validation against experimental data


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