Experimentally Validated DNS and LES Approaches for Fuel Injection, Mixing and Combustion of Dual-Fuel Engines (EDEM)

Third Party Funds Group - Sub project

Acronym: EDEM

Start date : 01.09.2019

End date : 31.08.2023

Website: http://www.edem-itn.eu

Overall project details

Overall project

Experimentally Validated DNS and LES Approaches for Fuel Injection, Mixing and Combustion of Dual-Fuel Engines

Project details

Short description

New fuels up to regenerative fuels of the 4th generation -- fuels generated by regenerative electricity generation -- are an important option for achieving sustainable mobility. In order to be able to convert fuels with different combustion properties into motor fuels with a high degree of efficiency, so-called dual-fuel combustion processes are suitable. In this process, a homogeneously distributed primary fuel (essential energy supplier) is supplemented by a readily ignitable second fuel, which is injected under high pressure directly into the combustion chamber shortly before the desired combustion start and ignites the primary fuel and promotes its complete conversion.

Dual fuel processes have long been used in comparatively stationary operation in larger engines. The use in transient operation of smaller engines places high demands on the control and regulation of the complex combustion processes, which require simulation-based development. To this end, simulation methods are being developed that enable the development of efficient and emission-optimized engines for new energy sources.

The project within the EU Marie-Curie programme enables 15 PhD students in leading institutions of the field in industry and academia to collaborate on one research goal, with each PhD student working both at a scientific (university) research institution and in at least one industrial company.

Scientific Abstract

Economical, geopolitical and social trends, apart from the well-posed environmental concerns, are possible to precipitate legislative actions for the partial substitution of Diesel by cleaner fuels in the imminent future. Besides, the already stringiest emission legislation referring to Diesel engines, e.g. EURO VI or Tier IV standards, in Europe and in the US, have boosted industrial interest on the development of IC engines capable of handling both liquid/gaseous fuel mixtures. The combustion process in these, so-called, dual-fuel engines comprises the compression ignition of Diesel fuel injected in a homogenized gaseous (or liquid) fuel/air mixture. The underlying cause is that at dual-fuel combustion, most Diesel fuel is burned in premixed combustion and, thus, soot formation is less. Furthermore, depending on the carbon content of the primary gaseous (or liquid) fuel, dual fuel operation mode can lead to significant decrease in CO2 emission. Hence, natural gas or methane constitute ideal candidates among hydrocarbons. The aim of this project, in line with European and international policies in this area, is to develop and validate DNS/LES methodologies for fuel injection, mixing and combustion processes relevant to conditions and fuels combustion strategies realised in dual-fuel engines. Furthermore, to apply the newly derived models to the design of more efficient engines and to estimate the environmental impact of the proposed concept. Related to MSCA agenda, the project will create a unique opportunity for joint industry-academia PhD training to the fellows in world leading multinational industries. This will equip them with skills, knowledge and knowhow that will not only enhance their future careers but propose solutions to global problems and thus, serve the well-being of the society as a whole.


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