3D-structure-property relations at grain boundaries (GRK1896-B5)

Third Party Funds Group - Sub project

Acronym: GRK1896-B5

Start date : 01.04.2018

End date : 30.09.2022

Overall project details

Overall project

In-situ Characterization of Nanomaterials with Electrons, X-rays/Neutrons and Scanning Probes (GRK 1896) Oct. 1, 2013 - Sept. 30, 2022

Project details

Scientific Abstract

In this new research project, a special focus will be placed on the integration of the previously unavailable methods APT and FIM, which can make important contributions to the understanding of the mechanical behavior of interfaces and their chemistry on the smallest length scales. All equipment required for project implementation including atom probe, FIB for sample preparation and TEM with sample holder for in situ nanomechanics are available at the location. For the 3D FIM experiments, a FIM has been set up in the working group over the past few months. This is also used in collaboration within the GRK for the preparation and characterization of SPM tips. The colleagues will develop suitable data acquisition and evaluation algorithms for the newly built FIM.


Contributing FAU Organisations:

Funding Source