Simulator coupling and data enrichment (ViM)

Third Party Funds Group - Sub project

Acronym: ViM

Start date : 01.10.2018

End date : 30.09.2021


Overall project details

Overall project

Virtuelle Mobilitätswelt

Project details

Scientific Abstract

The increasing networking and digitalization in the mobility industry leads to ever more complex systems and large amounts of data. This offers opportunities and challenges and requires innovative methods for research, analysis, development and validation of new mobility technologies. ViM aims to develop a platform prototype for research purposes and for the development of innovative business services, which can serve for testing novel mobility services and novel driving functions on a technical level (e.g. collaborative driving maneuvers). The aim is to develop a data and software framework that enables the introduction and use of different digital and modular components on the basis of their application context and provides mobility data as a basis for research, services and applications, taking into account any proprietary components. In particular, the platform allows the combination of real and simulated data to generate a realistic virtual world. Data analysis modules supplement this image and help to evaluate and interpret it.
The Chair of Computer Networks and Communication Systems is involved in all work packages and leads in particular the work package Simulation.


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