Model-based testing strategies (SMARTEST-FAU-SWE)

Third Party Funds Group - Sub project


Start date : 01.07.2015

End date : 30.06.2018

Extension date: 31.12.2018

Overall project details

Overall project

SMARTEST: Evaluierung von Verfahren zum Testen der Informationssicherheit in der nuklearen Leittechnik durch smarte Testfallgenerierung

Project details

Scientific Abstract

Overall goal of the cooperative project SMARTEST is to increase the ability of detecting as far as possible IT vulnerabilities in automatic control software for nuclear power plants. By removing the vulnerabilities identified the chances of IT attacks and thus also the risk of critical events due to systematic IT attacks can be reduced. 
Appropriate model notations are to be selected for the purpose of representing predefined attack scenarios at an adequate abstraction level. On the basis of the resulting models and scenarios, test targets are to be determined and formalised such that their achievement can provide evidence for existing system vulnerabilities. In case the testing targets are not achieved, appropriate metrics are to be provided allowing for a significant quantitative evaluation of the testing progress achieved so far. Such measurable test stopping criteria can finally be applied to control the automatic generation of optimal test data.


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Funding Source