Third Party Funds Group - Sub project
Start date : 01.01.2017
End date : 31.12.2021
The increasing digitalisation of all areas of life also consequently necessitates a digitalisation of the education system. Digital media offer a variety of possibilities. The aim of the project ‘Digital Campus’ is to promote competencies for digital education among student teachers in primary schools. It begins with the consideration that competencies among pupils can primarily be achieved once the competencies are available among the teachers. In turn, this requires lecturers in teacher training to possess such competencies.
As part of the project, general competencies are fostered in professionalised interaction with media, as well as media-didactic and media-educational competencies. The focus lies on media-related professional knowledge, reflection and critique of existing media learning environments, and the ability to design one’s own learning environments. An evaluation of selected primary schools shall be conducted following the project in order to determine whether this has an effect on pupils.
The project ‘Digital Media in Written Language Acquisition’ is part of the overall project ‘Digital Campus – IT4@ll’ in cooperation with the University of Regensburg. More information on the overall project is available at: